Introducing our cutting-edge GREENboard aka POP FOAM. A new innovative product made from 100% Recycled PET Bottles turned into 100% Recyclable Rigid Closed Cell Foam. Created using a combination of material and process properties for durability, elevated compress-ability, temperature, stability, and bond-ability with Thermal and Acoustic Properties.

Significant Savings on CO2 Emissions
Sporting Goods
Musical Instruments
Acoustic Values
Thermal Values

Thickness: 1/4” – 7.5”
Density: 4# – 20# Cubic Foot
Size: 4’x8’ or Cut to Size
Extremely Strong
Easy Cutting
Solid Edges
More Characteristics
3D Moldable to Right Angles
Bondable with Lenderink Dribond Film & Web Adhesives
Easily Overlays with Wood, Vinyl,Fabric, No-Slip Deco Rubber
Rigid but Heat Moldable to Full Circles and More
Machines Easily – Laser, CNC, Water Jet, Saw
Edge Bands Easily (No Voids)
Strong to Hold Screws
Paints Beautifully
3D Moldable, Expandable, Fire Retarded, Inner Ply.
Can Be Edge Banded and/or Perforated Laminating Core Stock

With this fire retardant, self extinguishing version of GREENboard, we offer a structural foam core designed for applications with particularly stringent fire protection requirements.
GREENboard FR fire-retardant versions have been designed for but are not limited to the transportation and construction sectors and are certified according to the relevant fire safety standards, including NF F16-1011, EN 13501-1 and EN 45545-2.
EN 45545-2: As a standalone foam, GREENboard FR complies with hazard level HL.2, which covers 85 to 90% of all rail applications. However, EN45545-2 does not require testing of the individual components, but in the final sandwich set-up, GREENboard FR in combination with phenolic or aluminum skins, for example, can be certified for levels up to HL3.
EN 13501-1: SBI product classification can be influenced by the combination of density and thickness. GREENboard FR70 with a thickness of 25mm achieves fire class D, whereas the same material with a thickness of 10 mm, achieves class B.
Calorific Value: Calorific value means the amount of heat released during complete combustion. The more heat is contributed to the fire, the faster the fire spreads. Consequently, the lower the material’s calorific value, the better. Even though GREEN board FR is not combustible, its calorific value is lower than that of other materials currently on the market, which means it contributes less to the spread of a fire. For GREENboard FR150, for example, the value is 23 MJ/KG.
Halogen-free: For this fire-retardant version of GREENboard FR, we only use halogen free, flame-retardant additives.
In a fire, GREENboard FR, with its very low smoke generation and reduced smoke toxicity, improves fire safety in terms of escape time and potential health damage.
In addition to its excellent fire safety performance, GREENboard FR provides a durable final product solution with high impact resistance for long-term performance, fewer repairs, and easy maintenance.
TRANSPORTATION: body structure, floor, door, interior of tram, train, bus, or coach.
CONSTRUCTION: building envelope, domes, and modular housing.