Expandable Film Adhesive is a heat-activated foaming structural material used to create foam core composites. When placed in a heated tool, it foams to fill the mold cavity, forming parts of any shape without the need for time-consuming machining processes or costly press equipment.

From Flat Sheet to Expanded Foam Core
Create 3D parts that are both lightweight and strong through a simple, clean process. Just shape your tool, add a 1/16” thin sheet of Dribond Expandable Film Adhesive, and heat to 250ºF to 300ºF. The cavity will fill to match the 3D shape of the tool. Compared to traditional manufacturing and machining methods, Expandable Film Adhesive enables faster cycle times, reduces waste material, and optimizes production processes by eliminating secondary machining and assembly operations.

Create finished products with skins of wood, plastic, fabric, carbon fiber, and more! This versatile product is also used in flat plywood and plastic panels as a lightweight inner core, resulting in very stable flat panels that can be made to almost any thickness without additional adhesives.

High Strength
- High compressive strength
- High stiffness-to-weight ratio
- Wide range of volumetric expansion (800% – 4,000%)
- Density determined by thickness of expansion

Design Flexibility
- Good acoustic and thermal insulation
- Fire-resistance available
- Enables lightweighting
- Expands to fill any shape cavity
- Foam forms strong bonds to most surfaces
Process Optimization
- Enables fast cycle times
- Minimal waste
- Low cost
- Small manufacturing footprint
- Requires no liquid resin infusion

- 1/16″ Dribond Expando Film @ 250º F+
- Up to 1″ thick = 2#/cu.ft., expands @ 15 PSI±
- 1/8″ thick = 20#/cu.ft., expands @ 110 PSI±
- Aircraft tray tables
- Sporting goods
- Heat shields
- Floor panels
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